Friday, October 22, 2010

Down In Humble Adoration

Two weeks ago, Fr. David talked about how we should come to God in prayer. The first thing is thankfulness: we should be grateful for all we have, happy we have a relationship with God, and full of praise for all the wonderful things we have in our lives. Friends, family, sunsets, harvests -- there's a lot for all of us to be thankful for. God doesn't want us to always come to Him complaining and asking for things. While that's certainly part of a healthy relationship with God, our primary attitude should be one of grateful praise.

The second way we should come to God is with humbleness, humility. Instead of thinking you're great and spending all your time thanking God for the (doubtless many) ways you're awesome, you should stand in His presence in all your smallness by acknowledging His greatness. Come to God with the understanding that your strengths are because God is strong.

The third way we need to come to God is in and with brokenness. We have to acknowledge that we need God because we aren't whole. When we feel shattered and lost and ashamed, we need to come to God instead of hiding because we don't feel good enough. It's God that makes us good enough, never ourselves.

Thankfulness, humility and brokenness. That's how we come to God in prayer.

This week, Jeff talked about how to pray once we've come before God. The main thing is to be persistent, like that widow who annoyed a judge into giving her justice. "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!" Whatever, you do, don't give up: God wants to know that you know what you're asking Him is important. Not that you're trying to wear God down until he finally gives in because He's just a big meanie who doesn't want to help you, but because He wants you to understand that asking is important, as is faith that He's listening.

Jeff showed us how the Lord's Prayer teaches us to ask God for things. First, you acknowledge His greatness and praise Him, ask Him to do His will. Then you ask for things you need, and for forgiveness. You ask for the strength to forgive others (God wants things from you, too), ask Him to keep you safe, and say you know everything belongs to Him.

In other words, you pray with thankfulness, humility and brokenness, and ask God to help you live life in this fallen world.

Prayer, and prayerfulness, is the key to relationship with God, is key to having what you most need, is the key to life.